We are committed to share the gospel with the whole world, to teach Christians doctrine, and so far as possible, to meet the spiritual and physical needs of both believers and unbelievers. Our mission will be carried out as we reach out to our community and send missionaries to those beyond the reach of our local church.
We reach out to our neighborhood through various means. These include, but are not limited to: family outreach, youth and children’s programs, evangelistic worship services, and community-wide events such as our Fall Festival. We also go door-to-door sharing the gospel.
We reach out to those beyond our local area by giving financial support to our Southern Baptist International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board (also Southern Baptist). We are not only members of the Southern Baptist Convention, but also the Southern Baptists of Texas, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, and the Union Baptist Association. We support missions through all of these organizations. In addition, we give direct financial support to individual missionaries in other parts of the world.
What To Expect at Monument
We are glad you found us! We know looking for a new church can be overwhelming. We want to help by letting you know what you can expect when you visit Monument. Please see the information below, and contact us if you have any questions. We can't wait to meet you!
When We Meet

Contemporary ~ 9:00 AM Sunday
If your worship is a little more modern, then you will love our contemporary service. Our early service is led by our praise band. The music is a modern style blended with the timeless hymns of the Church. We offer a sound that is diverse in genre, yet completely focused on Christ our Savior.

Traditional ~ 11:00 AM Sunday
Looking for a place to worship in song and message? Then the traditional worship service is for you. Our music offers hymns and special music by different soloists. The message is preached from the Word of God. You will leave the service feeling closer to the Lord and challenged to live an abundant life in Christ.

Evening ~ 6:30 PM Sunday
Our Sunday evening service offers a chance to deepen your knowledge of the Bible.

Bible Study ~ 6:30 PM Wednesday
Our Wednesday evening Bible study is a time to dig into God’s word. We begin with traditional style music followed by prayer requests.

Location & Parking
Our address is 3602 East Boulevard, Deer Park, TX 77536 (at the corner of East & Pasadena Boulevard). We have parking available at our main campus. You can enter from either Pasadena or East Blvd. We also have parking across the street at our bus barn. If you need assistance, we have greeters at the entrance where you can drop your family off and then find parking.
Students in grades 7th-12th attend worship with adults and then have their own service while adults are in Sunday School. This is a great time for students to fellowship with each other before gathering together to learn of characters, events, and themes from the Bible.

Don’t leave before we have a chance to get to know you! Stay and fellowship in a Sunday School group. Make new friends and connect with others in your stage of life as we learn together how to follow Jesus and live a meaningful life.
Adult Sunday School classes offered on Sunday mornings:
Family Matters- Couples parenting children
New Hearts- All adult Bible study
Open Door- Women’s only class
Grateful Hearts- Senior adults meeting as a large group
We understand that not everyone has a church background. Below are some common questions we are asked about Jesus, baptism and how to join our church. If you have other questions, please make an appointment with one of our staff members who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He is God manifested in human form. When we see Jesus we are seeing the Father also. Our Lord said that He and the Father are one. This means that Jesus is both God and man. Before the foundation of the world, God devised a plan to save the human race. That plan is called “Operation of Grace.” In this plan, Jesus went to the cross and became the propitiation of our sins and not only ours (believers) but the sins of the whole world.
When the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, He ascended into heaven and “Operation Grace” was complete. Now, all an individual must do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus did all the work of salvation at the cross and we get all the benefit.
There is a GREAT MYSTERY about God’s plan that confounds the human mind. That mystery is defined in this question: How can God be in control of history and yet at the same time, allow man to exercise this volition? Only at the end of time will the question be answered by our Lord.
When an individual accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, they are instantly born in God’s kingdom. Jesus called this experience being “born again” (John 3:3). The apostle Paul refers to it as being “saved” (Romans 10:9). After someone has this salvation experience, they should be baptized as an act of obedience to the Lord
(Matthew 28:19).
It is important to remember that baptism comes AFTER we are saved and NOT BEFORE we accept Christ. Also, we are baptized because we ARE saved, NOT IN ORDER TO BE SAVED.
New Testament baptism is by immersion only. Sprinkling or pouring water over someone’s head does not picture a belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Baptism symbolizes our belief in the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of our Lord.
There are two ways to “join” Monument Baptist Church. Before anyone can become a member, they must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. At the end of each service, we extend an invitation for those wishing to become members. Anyone wishing to unite with Monument Baptist Church is asked to come forward and speak with the pastor at the altar. He will help you with your decision, whether it is to accept Christ or move your membership from another church. This is the BEST way to join as it is a meaningful experience and encourages others.
Since some people are very shy about public decisions, the second way to join us is to meet with the pastor privately either in your home or at the church. He will confirm that you have accepted Christ and you will then be added to the roll of the church. In this case, you do not walk down the aisle.
When a person accepts Christ as their personal Savior, they will receive counseling by a staff member and a time for their baptism will be arranged. Anyone who has been Saved and baptized (immersed) is not required to be re-baptized.